Introduction to air source heat pumps

We have embraced this relatively new technology by investing in training our design and installation teams to meet current industry standards – the Microgeneration Installation Standard MIS 30056.

We have built our knowledge and understanding of ASHP technology, so that we can help our customers understand the benefits of this type of heating system.

What do we provide?

Efficient solution

ASHPs offer low-carbon heating and are becoming an increasingly common choice for many customers.  These pumps extract heat from the air to both heat your home and provide hot water. With more focus on the installation of energy-efficient systems (and the phasing out of gas boilers) ASHPs look set to be a realistic choice for many households.

A number of factors contribute to the efficiency of air source heat pumps, including the pump’s design, your home’s insulation, proper sizing and installation, and regular maintenance and servicing. The efficiency of an air source heat pump is important for energy savings, reduced carbon emissions, and long-term investment.

The efficiency of a heat pump is calculated as a CoP unit, which stands for Coefficient of Performance. CoP calculates how efficient a heat pump is by measuring the amount of input compared to the amount of output. For example, if a heat pump uses one kW of electricity and four kW of heat is produced, the CoP is four. The higher the CoP, the more efficient the heat pump is.

This image shows an example Coefficient of Performance (COP) for a heat pump. 5KW is the heat output by the heat pump. and it generates this by using 2kW of electrical energy. So the COP of the heat pump is 2.5.

Complex installation

As with any other installation procedure, an ASHP installation process requires customisation to household. The process of installing an air source heat pump can vary depending on whether it’s a retrofit or a new build. However, there are 3 main steps involved in the whole process:

Our expert assessors visit your property and conduct an extensive onsite survey. They will assess the suitability of an ASHP as the heating solution for your property. Heat loss calculations will be made to determine the size of the heat pump that needs to be installed. The survey is passed to our system designers who will configure the correct solution for your property. This will include evaluating your current heating system and preparing a report recommending an appropriate type and size of air source heat pump. We will also identify the potential for the ASHP to be integrated with any existing system and assess whether supplementary heating (eg: an electric immersion heater) will be required to meet your heating needs.

Our installation team will safely remove any existing system (eg: gas boiler). They will then begin the process of installing of both the outdoor and indoor units of the ASHP. Installation is not a complex process as the heat pump controls and pipework are similar to traditional boilers. The outdoor unit is installed in an area that allows sufficient airflow with minimal obstructions, and is secured to the ground so that it does not move. This unit draws in air and compresses it into warm air. The indoor cylinder and the outdoor unit are then connected with the indoor unit then being connected to the radiators or underfloor heating system.

Once the installation is complete, we will ensure that the ASHP is working correctly and efficiently. Most air source heat pumps come with sensors, so these need to be installed so that the heat pumps can send temperature signals to the thermostat. Our installers will carefully demonstrate the new system for you and advise you on how to set it so that you get the best results. Although ASHP generally have low maintenance requirements, we will show you how to check the filters and clean the fans from time to time. Alternatively, you can arrange for a regular maintenance check to be carried out by our engineers and this will help to ensure that the pump is running efficiently throughout its lifespan (usually around 20 years).

Image shows one of the Macbrook Gas Team sat filling out paperwork.


MacBrookGas provides a 2-year Insurance Backed Guarantee (IBG) for each property. This is provided under the Quality Mark Protection scheme (formerly known as GDGC).

This guarantee is designed to provide financial protection to homeowners, in the event that an installer ceases to trade and is unable to honour their written guarantee. It provides homeowners with peace of mind is a measure of trust in the installer.

MacBrookGas Ltd provides its own written workmanship guarantee. This outlines a guarantee period, during which the we will return and fix any faults resulting from faulty workmanship. If anything should happen to our company during this period, the insurance backed guarantee comes into effect and takes over the guarantee period, providing an extra layer of financial protection.

Qualitymark Protection logo

The Knowledge

Heat pumps are highly efficient as they generate more energy than they consume.

For example, with a CoP (Coefficient of Performance) of 3.0, 1kW of energy taken is 3kW of energy put into your heating system (

Air source heat pump